Sometimes you might get the following error while making the API calls to read the data using pagination or for loop in the JSON Source or XML Source or CSV Source or ZS Rest API Tasks/Components.
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.
Possible Cause
"429 Too Many Requests" error occurs when you make too many requests to the server within a short period of time, The HTTP status code 429, indicates that you have exceeded the rate limit or usage limits set by the server or API you are accessing.
API providers commonly implement rate limits to prevent abuse, protect server resources, and enforce fair usage policies. These rate limits restrict the number of requests that can be made within a given timeframe. When a client exceeds the rate limit, the server responds with the HTTP status code 429, indicating "Too Many Requests."
Possible Solutions
To resolve this issue, you can consider the following steps:
Check the API documentation or contact the API provider to understand the specific rate limit policies, including the maximum number of requests allowed within a given timeframe.
Slow down the rate of your requests: If you were making multiple requests in a short time span, try spacing them out and reducing the frequency. This will help avoid triggering the rate limit.
To facilitate this, we have implemented a throttling option that allows you to define the desired number of milliseconds to wait before sending the next request. This helps regulate the rate at which requests are made.
Depending on your API Rate Limit, you will need to set the appropriate time interval.
Implement backoff logic: When you receive a 429 error, it's advisable to wait for a specific period of time (specified by the server) before making another request. This is known as implementing backoff logic. Retry your request after waiting for the specified duration.
To handle backoff logic, we provide Retry Settings.
To configure the Error Retry settings, follow these steps:
1. Access the connection manager, whether it's HTTP or OAuth.
2. Navigate to the Error Retry Settings Tab.
3. In this tab, you will find the options to configure the Retry settings.
4. Refer to the screenshot below for a visual representation of the configuration.
Make sure to adjust the Retry settings according to your specific requirements and preferences.
Contact Us
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us via our Live chat or email us at We are here to assist you.
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